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May 14, 2003 - 5:46 pm

Okay, due to recent foolishness on my part and the realization that damnit, I say some crass shit sometimes, I feel this disclaimer and these rules are just damned necessary for all those who view my diary:

  • First, I'd like to go all Haney on you and deny anyone the right to be angry in the slightest over anything they read, as this is my diary, and not an open letter to the world, but who am I fooling? I put this online for everyone to read, and I don't even use the swanky lock function diaryland has been offering, so I really have no right to complain if someone is offended by something I write. So instead, I propose this, for this and other reasons I will detail shortly, if I write something that you, the reader, take issue with, don't fly off the handle until you talk to me. I can't stop you from noticing when I write about you or someone you care about, but consider that when I vent, I vent for me, and take NO efforts to censor my thoughts or to make sure that my intention is well-represented by my words. I piss you off, make sure that what pissed you off was really what I meant.

  • Also, unless I straight up appeal to an audience, chances are anything I write is for my own good and amusement. Complaints and praises are meant to go out into open air, they are not posted in hopes they will reach their target in some roundabout way. If I write about how I didn't want to go out with you one night because I don't like the club you frequent, don't call me to bitch because I left that part out when I declined. Choose your arguments carefully. If you want to accuse me of not being up front with you about something (while having the audacity to post it here), consider that some things aren't worth mentioning. Maybe I was bothered, but knew I was in the wrong, so I kept my mouth shut. Maybe I knew I'd feel differently after a good night's rest. Or maybe, just maybe, I committed the very American sin of not telling you every damned detail because it just wan't your business.

  • And last but not least, I DO compose AS I type. I do not think of what I'm going to write ahead of time. Also, since I spend most of my day at a computer, I have the luxury/curse of being able to bring this page up and post the SECOND something hits my brain, which means that many of my rants are impetuous crap that I haven't thought out, that will be gone within the hour. You see, when someone/thing is on my mind, I won't take the time to consider how sound and permanent my feelings are before I hop online and write my diatribe/laudation without care. Why? Because it's my diary, and my intention is to mark how I feel about what WHEN. Sometimes I'll note that I'm just incredibly cranky, or maybe WHY I feel a certain way (which, upon later review, will prove to be a misconception on my part), but sometimes that information, though important to proper reading, is left out, because what matters is that I know how I felt. The point is, sometimes I'm wrong, or something I blow things out of proportion, or sometimes, what I'm writing about isn't REALLY what's getting to me.

So what I'm saying is that this is not for you. It's nice to know that people read this, but 90% of the time, I imagine my audience as anonymous, IF existent at all. If you get information from here, fine. I can't/won't stop you from reading it, and I WILL NOT edit an entry at a later date just because I made an ass of myself previously, or worry about how it reflects on new feelings, so don't hold up what I said last month as proof of how I feel now. Hell, it's not even proof of how I felt last month. I make this public, so it's fair game for you to respond to, but unless I address YOU *points* specifically, then don't take it personally. That's all I ask.


I want this on a t-shirt


I'm going to see the Matrix: Reloaded tonight at 10pm. Now, I was originally expecting to go see this movie at midnight, because high-quality nerd movies like this are almost always shown at midnight, but this time, they got the jump on us.

Showtimes begin at 10pm, the night before.

Does that makes sense? I mean, is that even legal? I don't get it. If they can show the movie BEFORE the release date like that without the whole "sneak preview" permissions, why do we wait for release dates at all? And why do theaters let movies premier on Fridays at all? Why not every Wednesday, to ease their Friday rush and soak a few more dollars our of us movie wankers mid-week?

If anyone has an answer to this, PLEASE tell me. I just can't wrap my head around this. Of course, I could always just ASK tonight. But I won't. It's just how I am.

Also: One of my bigger pet peeves is pop up ads that inhibit my other browsing, like those that take time to load, or those that get in the way. Specifically, the ones that pop up in the middle of a web page and won't go away, where the "close window" button is actually a link to whatever. Ack!


Lately there has been a very high estrogen concentration in the office. In the mornings Melanie is here, and in the afternoons Serene and Othermegan are here to work on the workbook.

I have a lot of work to do lately. It's helping me keep focused, because a lot of it is tangible crap that clearly needs to be done, not just useless errands or protocol. This makes me feel good.

Right now there is a computer for every girl and when one of our boy coworkers came in, he had to go to the library. We're listening to Belle and Sebastian and talking about Pumpkin. Clearly, we have no room for the Dick in here.



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