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May 16, 2003 - 10:38 am

Something odd about me: I've never had heartburn. Ever. Most people have gotten it at least a few times in their lives (especially by my age, with my diet), but not me. Nope. This usually comes to mind when my roommate is taking down TUMS like nobody's business and doing shots of pink goo to make herself feel better. I always feel kinda guilty when she complains of this pain in her chest, as I have NO IDEA what it really feels like, personally. And who wants that response?

Stacey: God, I feel like death!
Megan: Hrm...I wouldn't know, I can eat whatever I want and not get heartburn
Stacey: I will destroy you!

I attribute this immunity to my possession of the strongest cardioesophogeal sphincter in the world. Further proof of its existence is my inability to induce vomiting. I could bury half my arm in my throat (directly following a full meal, no less), spend a half hour heaving, but with no actual purging.

This is a great thing since I hate vomiting more than I hate Nazis or people who drive poorly while talking on their cell phones. To me, it's one of the worst feelings imaginable. The nausea, the increased saliva, the realization that you are, in fact, going to's just horrible and I have no qualms with my digestive track for preventing this from happening more than two or three times a decade.

Anyhow, on top of a myriad of other physical problems, some quack at a clinic gave Stacey Jane a vague diagnosis that sounds like an imminent ulcer due to acid reflux. To her, I give my pity. It made me stop to consider how many acids I intake on a daily basis. The idea of a neutral diet...*shudders*

Reasons to give Stacey Jane a hug and your sympathy:

  • Stomachy issues for well over a week

  • Monthly girl issues

  • A head cold, to boot

  • She loaned her ID out, only to have it confiscated

  • She recently attended the worse Cedar Point excursion ever

In short, she's had a rough week.

Speaking of Stacey Jane, long ago we used to argue over whether or not someone could have a stomach ache in his/her mouth. I've never experienced anything of the sort, and personally believe that anyone who would make that claim is probably mis-labeling some other pain I call something else. She says it's just a stomach ache...but in her mouth.


Later: Wow, I'm just not a very happy girl lately. The events of the last week or so have left me notably sensitive to damned near everything, and I feel kinda lonely, frustrated, and generally cynical about everything and everyone right now. Clearly, that "me time" I had planned is well overdue.



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