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May 12, 2003 - 9:14 am

[The following entry is in no discernable order.]

My very favorite radio station is now back online. Words cannot contain my joy.

Last night I caught some of the Beverly Hills 90210 reunion on Fox. Wow, the hair. It's the only reason I kept watching. I needed to know the world was bearing witness to my memories of Jason Priestley's ex-mullet. Fantastic.

Came in extra early this morning to make up for last week's hullabaloo and catch up on my cheddah-makin'. stopped at Einstein Bros on the way to grab a bagel and some of their spectacular "spontaneitea." Unfortunately, it's the kind of stuff that doesn't taste right with regular sugar, but needs I grabbed some Equal. As soon as I took my first sip the nutrasweet went straight to my blood and made me hurt all over. Odd.

You know, I've been cleaning Rob and Lauren's house for four months now, and although I've made hearty use of their stereo in the past, yesterday was the first time I ever thought to turn on the television and see if they had cable. I somehow just assumed they didn't. Anyhow, I usually hang a little later to do my own laundry once everything else is done, so while I did I got to watch Ocean's Eleven on HBO (that's right, even though I've never seen that television on, they must watch it enough to have more channels than my ass does). Can I just take a moment to say how much I love that movie? I do. It's great.

New Strong bad emails make me happy.

Splendid news, my sister has made things work as so I'm not stuck with hotel reservations and theater tickets we will not use on our Stratford trip. Yay Supermom! Oh yeah, and she got a puppy for her birthday. I'm gonna watch it when they're out of town. It weighs less than 2 lbs. I hope my cat doesn't eat it.



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