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January 02, 2003 - 1:57 pm

A few things about my New Years:

  • It was fun, overall

  • I drank incredibly too much

  • I throw wickedfun parties

  • Everyone I know is a kissyslut

All in all, I was quite impressed with how well things came together, and in the end, came apart. Everyone had a good times, many people showed up that I had not anticipated, all good people.

The next morning Tabi, Cameron and I took to the cleanup. 15 minutes later, all was well again, save large amounts of alcohol in my fridge. I think I'm going to pick up a few winos on my way home so they can take to the contents of my fridge, sparing room for FOOD.

I'm feeling really angsty lately. Ever have a day that goes so poorly you wish you'd had the foresight to just stay in bed? Now, do you ever look back, and realize that even then, you knew, but decided to live life anyhow? Yeah, I had one of those mornings. However, I knew what would happen if I sucked it up and went to work as normal, so I altered my schedule to cheat fate, and the result was a-ok. Now I have work workity work work to keep me busy for the next few days. Off I go!



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