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January 04, 2003 - 11:38 am

I have been SO bad about updating. However, I don't have a whole lot to say, so I'll just throw in some updates from the last few days:

I am poor. Books have taken my money and thrown it into a deep, dark hole.

The other day, Stacey and I were talking about the "British Invasion" and that footage they always show of the Beatles stepping off of their plane, and all of the screaming girls. Thought: Wouldn't it have been different if they'd stepped off with laser guns and REALLY invaded?

I've realized that I would be safer driving around down dead drunk than while listening to Radiohead. I should take that damned CD out of my car.

Martel dirtied my bathroom. I still don't know how you clean THAT.

I'm worried about Karen. Of course, sometimes I worry too much. This time, however, I wonder if I'm really worried enough.

Classes start on Monday. Countdown, I guess.........



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