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January 05, 2003 - 9:30 am

Today is my very last day of break. Of course, by break, I mean day without school. I tried to bring this up to Stacey and she said "yeah, well I don't see it as a break, because I have to work all weekend"...that was kinda annoying. I mean, fuckin' A, I've been working no less than she did this break. Of course, arguing with her definition of break would be pretty futile, so I let it go.

Anyhow, my weekend wasn't the very best. Bad news here and there, with an overall lackluster turnout on our various excursions. Today I intend to play video games and read until evening, and maybe go out for a movie. I think those are pretty humble goals, so let's hope I accomplish them.

I wonder if I should call Lauren, see how she's doing. On the other hand, what would I say?



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