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January 06, 2003 - 5:08 pm

Classes started today. I don't have much to say about them, and I'm sure I won't for another week or so.

With this exception:

My imperial China class is going to be an experience. It's taught by the cutest little asian man EVER! It also looks like a HUGE workload. There are like 10 required books. Thank GOD he's not making us buy all of them (just 7).

Dave is home for the holidays, so he dropped by the office to visit his favorite Megans (remember, there are two here). It was good times. He even brought oreos and pop. Good Dave. It's too bad I had so many classes today, I had to hop out after 15 minutes or so to still be kinda late for my history lecture.

Anyhow, last night two very odd things happened. I'll list them in descending order of what the fuck:

At 1:30 am I heard some noises outside of Stacey's window. They were directly succeeded by tapping on the glass. I heard her get up, then leave her room. I threw on a robe to see what was up. It was LUKE! Not only Luke, but three other kids from Stacey's high school that just decided 1:30 was a good time to visit an old chum. Luke is immune to normal rules posted by Stacey and Megan, which is the only reason we both sucked it up and visited for a half hour when we both had shit to do the next morning.

Also, I was sitting, being a nerd and waiting for Tabi and Karen to arrive when my phone rang it's odd "Person not in your phonebook" ring. I didn't recognize the phone number, so I picked it up. After a minute or so the person on the other end (whose voice I recognized, but could not place right away) identified themselves as Jameson. Say WHAT?!? He repeated himself. Jameson. I asked him for a statement of purpose, seeming as the last time I tried to communicate with him, he was a D-I-C-K dick to me. He said he was in town for the holidays and asked if I had some spare time to hang, get some coffee, etc. I asked if he needed a reminder as to why we haven't kept in touch. By now, Stacey had heard enough of my end to find herself sitting at my feet like a curious little puppy dog. Jameson started in on how he owes me an apology, and I told him he was right, but I had plans. I did the understanding thing and told him that if he called me before I left work this evening, we could meet for coffee, and if he gave me 5 minutes (no more, no less) of explanation as to why he was such an asshat, we could do that "civil conversation" thing.

Stacey says she envies me, Jeff doesn't understand why. I do. Damnit, I think everyone that's ever been a nice person and been treated poorly for it has dreamed of the day the villain called up to repent. Yay me. Then again, my life is a laundry list of things that seem too good to be true, and are, so I guess we'll just have to see how this goes.



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