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March 22, 2003 - 8:56 am

Last night, on my way home for a full evening of homework, I commented to Mike that I should take two hours out this weekend to go see a movie or something, as I haven't done so since we all went to see Dark Blue (which is quite a long time, by Megan standards). He responded by inviting me to go see Dreamcatcher with him and folk. Knowing nothing but that it was a Steven King movie and that The Final Flight of the Osiris was going to preceed it, I said sure.

While waiting for everyone to pee, buy their popcorn, etc., I ran into Pfeiffer with this girlfriend (whose name I will NEVER remember, cuz I R suck) on thier way to see Willard. I gave them a stern warning that they shouldn't give their time to Crispin Glover so willingly. After sitting through Dreamcatcher, tho, I feel I should eat those words.

First off, unlike Stacey (who walked out...partly because she had to work too early to want to stay) I enjoyed myself. That film? Laugh out loud FUNNY! Of course, you might be thinking "but Megan...isn't it supposed to be a horror film?" Why yes, it is, friends, but it was still fucking hilarious, and ONLY fucking hilarious.

When I go to see a film, I usually judge it based on my expectations. If I expect nothing, and get a really good film, I walk out very happy. If I go to see some really hyped film, and it's less than brilliant, I leave a little disappointed. However, as long as I either EXPECT a horrible film, or have NO expectations (and realize early that this WILL be a horrible film) and it is, I sit back, heckle to my heart's content (proper company is necessary), and leave with a warm feeling in my pockets. Silly/stupid movies usually won't work for this, it's best with sci-fi or horror films, which are trying to be serious, and consequently fail.

The point I'm making is that I have no regrets about last night. I had a fantastic time and would give my $8.50 all over again. You more discriminating viewers, however, might want to go watch Crispin Glover destroy things with vermin.



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