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February 20, 2005 - 7:11 pm

At this time I would like to extend an official "fuck you" to any or everyone who is responsible for my current illness. I hope it makes its way back to you, ten times worse.

Yup, that's a hex right there. That's how I roll.

I'm currently out at Jeff's house, dogsitting. Ol' Marley and I have been having a good time. Last night I spun around in circles and he tried to knock me down, and succeeded, then I let him trample me and try to roll me over. We both giggled, in our own way.

Today, however, the sick got to me hardcore, and I've been unable to play. He's been very sad and insists on crawling up on my lap (which-I hate to tell him-is about two years and 90 lbs past possible) and staring at me with needy eyes. I have to give him credit for being creative, tho. I let him run around outside for a few minutes, and I think I can say that he's the only dog I've ever seen play catch with himself. No joke. He's THAT cool.

I like how dogs and cats can sometimes tell when you're sick or upset. My cat has this way of knowing when I need attention, and finding his way into my lap just when I want him there. Similarly, Marley has been attempting to express his sympathies through sad eyebrow movements and laying his entire body on me whenever I curl up to nap.

In other news, I haven't had anything but Golden Grahams, OJ, and the Tussin since last night, so I think maybe I should have at least one substantive meal today.

Desperate plea: Does anyone want to come and take care of me? In fact, not even me, but this dog? I can fend for myself, but the last time I tried to take this pooch for a walk I damned near fell over and died. Just come by, run around with him, take him for a walk, and you'll save my ass for at least 12 hours. Hell, if you're feeling supergenerous, bring some soup!

No? Okay. Fair enough.



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