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February 09, 2005 - 3:13 pm

Last night a top story that was titled something to the effect of "Predators on attack in Iraq." I don't think I need to bother explaining the images that brought to mind. Or maybe I should just work up an example in Photoshop...

Random: For some reason, I think the funniest line in The Seven-Year Itch is "Take your potato chips and go!" What a way to give the swimsuit model next door the heave-ho.

Anyhow, my Metro Times Free Will Horoscope gave me the following poem:
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out."

I think it's kind of a shite poem, but whatever. Anyhow, that's for any and all of you who suspect that I might be a better person because of your influence. Megalomaniacal bastards.

Speaking of the Metro Times, I entertained myself in Intellectual History today by reading the "wildside" classifieds. It is with you, anonymous readers, that I would like to share the various phrases that most rewarded by attentions:* "D/D free" (only because it brings images of young boys with many-sided di sitting at a table in their mom's basement, drinking mountain dew and NOT CHARGING A CENT!), "for creative meetings," "freaky, respectful gentleman," "ebony delight," "pink chocolate," "dark chocolate lover," "fat, 9" pole," and finally

"...250lbs, in search of femal, TS or TV to give me an incentive to lose weight..."

*Of course, I know full well that doing this will inevitably attract an explosion of misdirected pleasure seekers, just like the male strip club entry of many moons ago. C'est la vie, no?

Did I mention that I don't have a Valentine yet? ;)

Speaking of V-day, I have Simpsons valentines to give out. Who wants one?



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