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February 07, 2005 - 12:11 am

Earlier today I avoided the Superb Owl by going up to the ERC to read all of Giovanni's Room in one sitting. (Sidenote: I should never ever ever read that very good book again. It hurt my soul.)

Anyhow, I ran into a kid from my Russian Witchcraft class told me that he fed his dog honey because he had a cold and since him and his dog make out, his dog prolly had the same cold (I THINK he was kidding, Megan-style...but he might just be from Fowlerville) and that it made his dog throw up so he doesn't feed his dog honey anymore and then my coffee cup fell off of the counter and I said "I got no game" and he said I didn't need to have game and I realized that I usually say that when I do something stereotypically Megan, so it's kinda redundant.


THinking about that right now just made me think of that class in general and how it makes me laugh because I sometimes imagine the little professor lady jumping up in the air and giving the People's Elbow to the doctoral student that won't keep his cakehole shut. Also, one of the grad students grew a mustache last weekend, and it looks totally fake-like disguise kit fake, like Pink Panther fake, like I really wanna walk up to him, go "Ah HA!" and rip it off fake.

And in case you couldn't tell from my revealing sentence structure (or lack therein), I am typing this all really fast. Way to go Megan and updating in less than 60 seconds!


Oh, wait, on more thing. I was originally going to write this entry about my intellectual history class and how every time the professor asks us what existentialism is, I want to raise my hand and sing "It's the terror of knowing what this world is about-watching some good friends screaming LET ME OUT!" complete with Freddie Mercury intonations.

Me and my tangents.



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