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January 20, 2003 - 12:50 pm

Once again with the oogey tummy!

Last night I, in spite of my dire need to stay up all night and do homework, opted to finish at 10:30 and retire to my room with a good book. Yay me. I R not a good student right now.

I DO know, however, that the Smiths are good times.

This whole being a bad student thing makes me feel like a freshman again. Perhaps I should start dating again so I can also be distracted by the mess that would be my lovelife, too, eh? I commented last night on how long it had been since I'd had ramen noodles and made a mental note that I should buy some for dinners and work or home. Proof!

Lunchtime is upon me. I'm SO all about going somewhere with some homework and getting good food. On the other hand, I'm lazy and don't want to move out of my office. Hrm...where around here delivers but is far enough to justify dragging a deliver boy here?

Later that day: Mike's been having some problems at work, and as a result he's almost always in a bad mood when we leave for the day. Most of the times he just wants to vent, so I listen and all is well by the time we get home, but today he was being kind of a shit, and I got cranky back. I feel bad. I should have just let it slide. Oh well, tomorrow's another day, right?



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