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January 21, 2003 - 3:22 pm

Three years ago, I used to laugh at cell phone phenomena. For example, I got endless giggles from restaurants, when one phone would ring and five people would check to see if it was theirs. Nowadays, that fun time has been traded for the annoyance of a million and one different rings, half of which are annoying as fuck and do nothing to express the simple concept of "phone call" so much as "ring ring" once did.

Anyhow, I'd just like to bow my head and shame and admit how naked I feel when I'm without my cell phone. Today I forgot it at home, and have been forcing myself to be calm about it. Overall, I've been functioning fine, but my brain doesn't want to admit that, and would rather believe that I'm lost without my phone. *shakes fist in direction of phone* I don't NEED you!

I'd also like to publicly chastise myself for being such a fucking ditz lately. It seems that almost every day I forget at least one thing at home that I need. Somehow I'm completely incapable of getting around this. I had my shit SO MUCH more together two months ago. What happened?



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