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January 22, 2003 - 5:38 pm

Today I got a reading schedule for one of my classes. Normally the syllabus provides this information, so I can have my semester planned out by the end of the first week. This semester, however, I have only two classes that have taken such efforts in their syllabi. So, this is the third of five classes I've been able to throw into my planner. Anyhow, all that aside, it become just how clear to me (seeing the new clutter in my planner and knowing there were two more classes unaccounted for) just how full the next three months are going to be. Yes, kids, the chance of me having a spare moment between when I wake up on Monday and when I get out of work on Friday (not to mention the Saturday afternoons I'll spend working and the Sundays I'll spend on homework) are pretty slim. This realization almost brought me to tears, honestly. I considered quick money-acquiring methods (such as loans from family) to get me out of work for x more hours a week, then thought a bit ahead and knew I'd NEVER get so ahead as to be able to pay it back before graduation.

So fuck it. I'm gonna nose through it and get it done and everything will be okay. If I'm gonna get through this without giving up halfway and boning my grades, or going crazy, I'm gonna need some crazy incentive waiting for me.

So here's my idea. The weekend after my finals, I'm gonna have a 48 hour party or some shit like that. Two days of pure debauchery. I'm thinking of employing attractive young males to fan me, feed me peeled grapes, rub my feet and shoulders, and perhaps even give me oral pleasure. OR Stacey mentioned having a toga party. I dunno.

NOTE: When I watch Wheel of Fortune, I feel like the smartest person alive. Then comes Jeopardy, directly following to remind me that I am, in fact, the dumbest.



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