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January 19, 2003 - 10:26 pm

Man I'm having one fuck of a night. Not that anything crazy is happening; in fact, I think what makes my mood so amazing right now is that everything's been very normal today. Yay normal.

I was all about not updating tonight, but I kept thinking of things I wanted to write about. Of course, none of those things are coming to mind now. Bitches.

I think it's safe to say that it's been a fucked up year so far. One of the themes I'm noticing lately is this "let's tell Megan what we think of her" craze that's sweeping this side of the country. A milder side-effect of this madness is the slew of people who are telling me what OTHERS think of me. I must be grateful that no one has out-and-out said anything intended to hurt my feelings (that I can think of, so please, if I've missed something, let me continue on in ignorance). In fact, most of it has been complimentary. Thank you all who have contributed to the aforementioned goodness. Of course, there have also been a number of people that are all about making observations. For example, concensus seems to be that I'm short. Eat me, folks. 5'4'' is NOT knee high to a grasshopper. I prefer to believe I am "on the shorter side of 'medium'." There are others, but I'll lay off the laundry list of examples. Anyhow, though they can be a bit exasperating sometimes, I am grateful overall. They give me better insight than any intended flattery does, and it puts things in crystal clear perspective. So if any of you notice some changes taking place 'round here (for example, the purchase of some shoes with FUCKING heels), don't worry. We all know I won't stick to it.

Random: My cat loves toasted bread more than any feline should. What do I do about this?

So, yeah...I have so much fucking homework to do my head could explode and I have no idea how I'm going to survive midterms if I'm already this frazzled by my courseload. I just feel stupid lately. Last semester, I could almost FEEL the information seep into my brain. I was so well-organized and alert it was like a HIGH. This semester, I feel like my brain got all flabby and my IQ dropped a good 30 points. I can read and read and read, but it's insane how often I look back and realize I have taken in NOTHING. Makes me sick, it does. Between that and the demise of my former physical-fitness, I have two huge life-change goals already. Guess the platform shoes will have to wait.



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