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January 17, 2003 - 9:58 am

Last night I had an oogey tummy from 5pm on, the kind of feeling you get when you realize someone is about to give you really bad news, or when you're horribly nervous. I can't imagine why I would have felt like that. I didn't eat anything that could have been a physical cause for that, and I wasn't really nervous or worried about anything. My coworker got on a plane around that time to go to South Africa, so my only theory is that it exploded, and my tummy knew before anything else. I'm gonna send him an "are you still alive?" email or something.

In related news: Spooky occurances in my apartment yesterday. I'm sure there might be a reasonable explanation for most, if not all, of these things, but I refuse to hear it. My conclusion? Poltergeist.

Speaking of Poltergeist...what a freaky fucking film that was, eh? The only thing scarier is the E! True Hollywood Story on the series.

I completely *heart* Fridays now. Unlike before, when I kinda dreaded a full day at the office without class to break it up, I now feel like it's the only day I can get some serious workering done. Tuesdays and Thursdays aren't bad, since I have the whole afternoon, but on Fridays I feel like I can really put my nose to the grindstone and justify my wage.

I'm becoming addicted to Ibuprofen. There must be something seriously wrong with my neck (the former site of The Lord's Crick is still sore) and I can't seem to start my day without popping a handful of them. I'm like someone from a fucking Chuck Palahniuk novel! (Brandy Alexander, minus the dragbeauty?)

So I've got this thing about blue Gatorade. I blame Stacey. Any kind of Gatorade works, but it has to be blue. In general, I like drinking blue things, but not all blue things (for example, Sno-Bowl is not on my list of high-quality libations). But any flavor of Gatorade, if blue, will suffice.

Later that day: Okay, so what happened to that deal we had about "I don't kill people, life gets less drama-laden"???? I have to go home and Mike's in the hospital and I have to bring him a chicken salad and I'm tired of having to worry about people! Why do they have to break up and move and get sick and get fired and get poor and get worriable!?!? I'm leaving.



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