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March 28, 2003 - 1:45 pm

Hot damn it's fancy-nice outside. Give or take random rainshowers, it's almost tank top weather!

Of course, by "tank top weather," I mean "warm" as I cling to any excuse to shun sleeves.

My whole not having coffee for a while thing lasted a whole...2 days? Yeah, about two. This morning I preceded hitting work with a trip to Cafe Ambrosia for some espresso-laden fun. End result = goodness.

Note: Things I like about Friday include....(1) The office is empty and quiet in the morning, (2) the office is later filled with good people, (3) I get a damned chance to spend some quality time with Strong Bad Email, (4) Espresso-laden goodness, and (5) Uninterrupted worktime, as I have no classes today. I must also mention that for the last few months, the nicest day of the week has often been Friday, which really helps my mood. TGIF fuckers! Later that day: Weather = good. Mood = squashed. Took a trip to my "Dentist" this afternoon, as is my 6 month tendency...more problems with my bathing suit area. I'm so fucking sick of 60-yr old women touching me in strange places that I could scream. That and I fucking hate it that every time I am NOT up to my eyeballs in debt something goes wrong with either my car or my reproductive system to fix THAT oddity. Fuckers. I mean, shit, it's not like I'm USING that part of my body recently...can't it just be happy? *grrrrr* And slightly later than that: Mood reset. A short trip into the land of Strong Bad email, particularly the one on drawing a drago, made me forget my troubles. Ah....escapism...*drool, gurgle*



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