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March 27, 2003 - 12:06 pm

One of these days it will start to really warm up. And by "really warm up" I mean more closely resemble summer than winter. I'm all about getting rid of this tenacious chill we've got going on here.

My final plans for acheiving my various academic goals are finally falling into place in my head. That's much better than the blind panic I usually encounter when I wonder how I'm going to do all this before I turn 26.

Then again, Lauren's going to graduate a year before me with her I should prolly stop blowing smoke up my own skirt. SHE's my success story.

I'm tired as a mofack and completely void of anything interesting to say, so I'll cut this like a foreskin.

Later that day: I haven't had coffee since....Um...I dunno, and that's what bothers me. The point is, my head hurts, and I can't concentrate on anything, and OW! FUCK! My eyes itch/hurt/I want to fucking pluck them out or AT LEAST take a nap. Grrr says I.



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