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March 29, 2003 - 10:48 am

Though I could prolly look back through my entries here to get a good estimate, I feel pretty secure in saying that, all things considered, I don't Drink a lot. Now, I'm capitalizing that "d" because I'm talking about the drinking where you intend (or do succeed without intention) to get drunk. Often, when I do go out to the bar, I have a two drink maximum because I'm either driving or broke.

Last night was an exception.

I decided that, instead of spending my Friday trying to convince myself to do homework, I'd just give in to the fun demon and then work my butt off the rest of the weekend. Talked to Jeff and Cameron, who agreed that Friday night's alright for good times, and we gathered a few more of our brood. The end result was a few people at my house, some alcohol, and some movies. Since all were good movies and only half of us were drunk, it became an interesting evening once Stacey and I got our liquor ON! *fast forward through a lot of belly laugter, TMI moments, and boob grabbing*

Some highlights: Stacey toasting my boobs (about an hour after denying she EVER did stuff like that when drunk, in spite of Tabitha and myself, the witnesses), Temple of Doom, a lot of spills, reduced-fat cheezits, moon pizza, me being a fucking idiot, Scott and Stacey mysteriously disappearing for reasons unknown, the "but who IS Domokun, really?" conversation, Hangin' Tough, etc.

All in all, good times. However, that THING that happens some times DID happen: When everyone's too tired to go home, but they don't want to stay, so they sit quietly for a while, then everyone formally mills out to leave the hostess to stumble into bed. That's always kinda anticlimactic. Anyhow, this happened sometime after 5:30 or so.

Our power went out yesterday, and I was too tired last night to set my clocks, so when I woke up this morning, I had no way to check and see how much of the day I slept away, so when I was good and ready, I got up and came to find my cell phone.


Yeah, so I can't get back to sleep. I left a voicemail for Stacey Jane, to share her pain (as she had to get up at 8am, and got to bed around, say, 3). Now I'm gonna hit the showers and such, do what I need to do to get this whole "weekend of good homeworkering" in gear as so I can justify last night's shenanigans.



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