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April 03, 2003 - 8:18 am

A note to anyone out there who reads this and cares about the content:

Now might be a good time to find other things to do, at least for a week or two. Ride a bike, learn to play piano, beat Final Fantasy X...just do something. You can come back and read up on what you missed when it's all over.

As for me, it's crunchtime. Not only do I have a fuckton of shit to do, every passing day makes it more urgent. In the end this will mean a)the explosion of MY HEAD, b)a lack of updates, and c)a lot of whining and boring shit when I do update, as the things on my mind will be homework, work, work and I'll be a little short for amusing anecdotes.

And as for those friends of mine that don't see me much, if ever: This is why. I'll say it one more time, I really AM this busy. Please stop insisting that I need some "fun" injected into my life. I'm honestly NOT just choosing to stay home and write papers all damned night and all weekend. I'm taking 18 fucking credits, I work full time, my classes are DIFFICULT and I have no way around all of this work. Telling me how shitty that is and all that isn't going to make me come to an epiphany and just throw my books down to hang out. I'm trying to do something with my life and unfortunately, right now, this is the only way to get it done. My day doesn't end when I get home from work, I still have hours of shit to do, and on top of that, a corpus, a home, and a car to keep running while I go through this. Calling me every three days to invite me to this and that doesn't really show me you care so much as it makes me think you just don't believe me when I tell you to "call back in May." When I can carve out some time to live, I'll call you. Really. I won't be mad at you for having the respect to just leave me alone right now.

Anyhow...I'm just saying, it's okay. Semester ends the 25th...then I can get back to beign a noralesque person.

See you then.

Before I go: Here's the regular post stuff, a nice follow up to my anger and bitterness this morning... Igby Goes Down was a great movie and its soundtrack is even better. Just thought you might like to know, as I bought it today at lunch. Speaking of lunch, enjoyed some chinese chicken with my dearest Wicker (my backup Mike, but primary Wicker), and ran into way too many Outrage guys in the process. And last but not matter how bad my day is, I just need to remember that Dave (Haney's roommate), the paramedic, has had the mother of all bad days earlier this week. When they picked up a woman who was dying from a bowel obstruction, she went unresponsive, then popped back to life, spewing DIARRHEA from her MOUTH! No shit! Didn't think that could happen, did you? Well, instead of bursting, it will just back up until you vomit it back onto two unsuspecting paramedics who will, after your subsequent HORRIBLE death, spent 4 hours cleaning their truck, with the help of two coworkers. I guess life's not that bad for me after all.



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