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April 06, 2003 - 11:12 am

Two things about this weekend:

First, OKGO is one of the most incredible live bands I've ever followed around like a lost puppy. Even if you didn't like thier album (which just doesn't make any sense, it was great!), you HAVE to like their live show. I called shenanigans god knows how many times.

Also, of their two opening bands, the only one I saw in full was Spiraling, which also deserve full praise. Go look them up, buy thier albums, or at least download a song or two and see if they're worth your $12. Either way, they're fantastic as well.

The whole rock experience that was Friday night: the pilgrimage to East Lansing, the old friends, the show, the sweat, the all reminded me of high school, when nothing would have made me happier than to be instantly 21 (as so my age wouldn't keep me out of venues any longer) and have a car, so I could go see live shows every damned weekend. By the time I reached those two goals, I was so busy and lacking in rockandroll spirit that I barely go anymore. Shame on me. I felt so damned good Friday night that I made a pact with Martel to fill this summer with more rock, less...something else (sacrifices WILL be made). So I guess we'll see how that goes.

Second: Kyle's a wanker. The Cowboy Bebop movie was fantastic. Go see it. It's at the Michigan Theater right now.

That's all for me. Once again with the homework and all that...

*smoke bomb, is gone*



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