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March 25, 2003 - 3:40 pm

So I got some traffic yesterday from other diaries, even an email (which COMPLETELY confused me at first)...and I realize now that the more people I KNOW are reading this, the more I feel obligated to write something interesting, lest you all become bored with my bitching about school, money, etc. and go read someone else's musings for a change.

Then the moment passes, and I remind myself that I'm just not COOL enough to keep up with the likes of more witty diarylandfolk. So I give up. I'll continue on with the same topics, I'll be as esoteric as I feel is necessary, and damnit, sometimes I'll bitch.

Besides, this is how Cameron gets around his lack of Megan in recent months. Without diaryland, he'd barely know me anymore, right? *winks @ Cameron*

Ah, who am I kidding? He just comes here looking for porn.

So, I fixed my whole "I have no idea what to write my seminar paper about" issues, which caused a head explosion on Sunday. On my way out of Angell Hall, I realized how fucking fat the squirrels are getting. Perhaps they're finally eating their young?

In other news: After a tragic green tea accident this morning, I'm going to invest in a copy of "Megan the Klutz" for the office.

And finally: Jeezy Creezy, I sure am excited about this summer! Not only will school stop being my damned tormentor, but Martel is moving in, not to mention the series of short trips I have planned, and MONEY! I'll be able to work more, school less, hence the possibility of putting some $$$ in the bank. Sunshine and freedom, baby!



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