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January 11, 2003 - 4:46 pm

Blah blah BLAH blah blah.

Yay for Saturdays.

I woke up at 2pm. Mind you, I went to bed at 2am. Usually, my body will cut off from that sleep business after 10 or so hours, or at noon, whichever comes first. I'm horribly pleased that I was able to catch up a little bit (though, I know, you don't "catch up" on sleep, you do it, or you don't, blah blah blah). I still have that horrible pain in my neck, but it's nothing compared to Thursday night.

I think I'm finally back to sane. Last night helped a little bit. So did sleep. The two quasi-dramas of the week are finally neutralized in my brain. Jameson is leaving for Chicago today, I believe, and I think I did a good job with all of that. Things are good. As for Stacey, as I suspected, her original response was "Why can't she just be happy for me?", but a good dose of "your ideals are reality CANNOT coexist" via Mike Haney brought her around. We started our note-driven correspondence this morning, and I think I'm ready to talk things out. I no longer get a pain in my stomach or see red when I think about it. I proposed we talk tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.

Last night's SSDAN outing was a complete success. I bowled 135 (over two games) as I expected, and got to spend some quality time with my kickass coworkers.

Tonight I'm supposed to go to The Dyke Bar with Karen and Co., and then...?



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