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January 13, 2003 - 9:20 am

Ha HA! So it comes out! It seems that my twin has finally come to admit just HOW MUCH we are alike. Though he first claimed nerdhood after the personality tests came out (and therefore, my groupie-like affections), it seems he was originally a happy asian guy also!

While on the "it finally comes out" trail, I should mention my talk w/Stacey Jane last night about recent madness. It seems that Mediocre man had been nagging her for months about moving in, even going as far as to plan out finances and where her furniture would go, but when she told him that she'd broken the news to me, he flipped out and now he won't return her calls. So, she feels like even more of an ass than she did Thursday. Now, does ANYONE question my dislike of this man?!

Weekend Update: So, the trip to the Dyke Bar...What an experience. First off, the place was decorated in a manner not dissimilar to my 8th grade homecoming dance. Second: Old lesbians that dress alike. Third: Large Drag Queens imitating Cher. It was an experience. However, I was officially groped by a random lesbian, AND I saw a drag queen's fake boob! Yay me!

Today is a day for Chinese chicken with the Other(taller) Megan. It is also a day for paying off my credit card balance. It's a beautiful thing. However, it also means extreme poverty until my next paycheck. Which means using my credit card to buy things like groceries. Which means a new balance. Does it ever end?



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