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April 23, 2003 - 12:21 pm

So today, I get to own all over my first history exam. I sat down last night to a wild evening full of fresh-baked bread, citrus-flavored malt beverages, and a lotta antebellum American politics. If only it were always this easy.

Tonight I start the final countdown to my Chinese history final. It's funny...This class has been the bane of my existance since January. It's only 3 credits, and professor Chang is much more lenient than Marwil, but something about the whole subject just makes me anxious. That, and the 2398235 pages of reading that was assigned, that I've been trying so hard to consume and comprehend here in the 11th hour. I still haven't gotten all of my reading done, but I'm pretty sure that as long as a few people show up tonight for our study group that HAVE read the last of it, I can rule the Song dynasty enough to carry my own weight and get all the information I need to at least match my midterm grade. One way or another, 10am tomorrow, it's over.



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