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April 20, 2004 - 10:44 am

Ho hum.

I'm quite awake this morning, so I made my way down the computer lab after class in hopes of finding some of the emails I had been expecting.

They were all there, and more.

Some were good, one bad. It seems that SSDAN is sending people to the capstone conference in June, and Melanie was all in a todo about choosing only two people. Little did she know, I had completely forgotten about the conference and had no interest in flying out there in finals week. Still, it was nice to know that I was considered...

As for the bad, it seems that the CTY class I got has been cancelled due to low enrollment. All of 2 students wanted to participate this time around, so I guess there was no reason to pay me to go out there and help teach them. So it goes.

I remember how completely bummed I was when I found out that I hadn't gotten the 1960s class and was offered the other one instead...and somehow, even though I worked up quite a bit of enthusiasm about it anyway, I just don't care as much this time around. Maybe it's spring.

Maybe it's knowing that I have finished the last of my papers for this semester and, with a little hard work, could be done with all of my exams by Monday. Maybe it's how nice the weather is, or that Stacey cleaned the kitchen yesterday, or how wonderful the world seems when my chemicals are balanced. I don't know, but it's making me feel pretty good, like I should just hug the world. Yay euphoria!



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