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April 25, 2004 - 3:33 pm

I had horrible dreams about spiders last night, but I woke up in a bigger bed than usual, the sun was shining, and I was incredibly comfortable. It's hard to be down about some stupid dream when the world is so damned cool.

I was trying to figure out a good way to describe my recent state of being, and no simple three word phrase really seems to work, so here's the closest thing I can think of:

  • Listening to an incredible Dylan song and driving with your windows down
  • Laying on the grass in the Law Quad on a 75 degree day and reading a book full of beautiful language
  • opening all the windows in your apartment on the sunniest of days, napping on the carpet, and, well...being slightly drunk wouldn't hurt.

I think I would get incredibly bored if things were always like this, but between all the new things happening, the nice weather, and the decrease in responsibility that has recently marked my life, I've been pretty damned content. Being surrounded by great people every day doesn't hurt, either. I'm gonna soak it up while I can.



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