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September 22, 2003 - 1:51 pm

I think my GSI hates me.

I went to talk to him today, in hopes that he'd either clear up some of my confusion about the writing assignments, or at least tell me I was on the right track with what I had. Instead, he made me feel really nervous about taking up even five minutes of his time. Every time I started talking about my ideas, he'd interrupt to say it wouldn't work, or tell me that it was good and to mark it. Seriously, not one idea was completed before he wrote it off in some way, and yet, at the end he had the nerve to say "And that's great, but it sounds like your summarizing (Note: of course he thought that, he wouldn't let me get any of my fucking original ideas out)...what do YOU have to add to the story?" So I told him exactly what I'd been trying to spit out for the last five minutes. He told me it would work and dismissed me. No, really, I could only have been more dissatisfied if he had yelled "BE GONE!" at me or something as I ran out with my tail between my legs.

And in other boss is late, as usual.

Today I packed my lunch. It was fun. It was fun because most everything in my Lilo&Stitch lunchbox had peanut butter in/on it, save my Red Berry Capri Sun.

I love peanut butter. And folded-up paper towel lying under your sammich as a post-meal reminder to wipe the shit off your face.



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