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September 21, 2003 - 10:11 am

Had some strange dreams last night...but isn't that just the way, really?

Took Amy out for her "Yelena can suck our ass" post-CDC outing. We went to Macaroni Grill, took down as much of their bread as humanly possible ("Keep it coming, cowboy," said I.), and had some amazing pasta.

I'd like to note that yesterday could have been ten times cooler, but for a number of reasons EVERYBODY punked out. EVERYONE! So it was just us. Yeah, just us. Even Tyler, who was in from the beginning due to his similar CDC experience, woke up that day with the realization that he was in love with someone, and therefore couldn't leave the house.

This is how he explained it, no joke. I love Tyler. He's so neurotic. And honest. Did I mention that I adore Tyler? I do.

Anyhow, we did what we could to make the best of the evening. Though I'm sure more fun could have been had under different circumstances, things were still pretty fun. I found myself in this really pretentious bar in Windsor, ordering drinks for Amy amd glancing uncomfortably at the guy I had earlier made sexeyes at as a joke, who had somehow ended up walking into the same bar 5 minutes later. Damn me.

And now it's Sunday and I have a ton of homework to do and a paper to write on Poe and sick shit and there are leftovers in my fridge and Ha ha HA!



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