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September 19, 2003 - 10:59 am

Alright, landlubbers, it be National Talk Like A Pirate Day, so dance on your peglegs and remember the blokes who fought and died horribly to steal booty from others.

Oh, and find out your pirate name...I made some changes to mine, and finally settled on Bloody Bonnie Morgan.

In other, non-piratey news: Had a weird dream last night. I think it was a nightmare, because I woke myself up on purpose. All I can remember is that I woke myself up, and when I did, I said "wow, that was fucking odd. I have to tell people about that." Of course, now I don't remember. It had to do with work, tho, or at least the people with whom I work.

Later that day: How do I love impact radio...let me count the ways. It is, in my opinion, the absolute best rock station in the state. It's just too bad I have to drive to Howell to even pick it up in my car. Yay for good internet connections, eh?

I have only one complaint. Considering that is IS, in fact, 2003, it is necessary to play "How Soon Is Now?" at least once a day? I mean, really?

Back in high school Alex used to tell me that one could either be a fan of the Cure or a fan of the Smiths, but not both, because fans of either band were destined to fight, much like Catholics and Protestants, Palestinians and Israelis, the Bourgeious and the Proletariat, etc.

Alex always made me giggle.



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