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July 12, 2003 - 5:14 pm


To add to my list of things that aren't going right, I've had these stomach issues since last Sunday...every time I eat, I hurt. I hurt for hours. This is crap. My appetite? Still there, so I WANT to eat, but every time I do I end up hurting after a few bites and suffer the consequences of taking in the fuel my body needs to operate correctly.

I don't know, I give up.

Also affected, my brain. When I don't eat, I get shaky and distracted (go figure) and feel generally ill, so I eat to make it go away, and then the cycle starts all over again. I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.

On another note: Took the basic skills test this morning (doors open at 7:30am, yo!) and though a monkey could have passed it, it wiped me out so completely that I wanted nothing more than to sit on the couch and watch brainless television for hours afterwards. Proof? I watched half of this really bad movie with two of the people from American Pie in it...a really bad movie I'd already seen and already knew was bad...I was just too lazy to change the channel. I R suck.



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