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October 14, 2003 - 10:49 am

So I've had this mark on my knuckle for a good seven years now. I'm gonna start calling it my "seven year mark" cuz that just sounds right, methinks.

It's a small red mark, just under the skin, like I started bleeding in a little tiny spot but it never got passed those last three layers of skin. I got it from punching a cinderblock wall when I was 14 (Anger problems?) after a particularly horrid conversation with my father.

It's just strange that it's never healed. Sometimes I like to give it this great metaphorical meaning, as if it will magically disappear the day I completely make amends with my father, since it was caused right around the time things started to be...well, like they are now, I guess.

In other news: It looks like ass outside, and from my commute to work, I can tell you that it feels like ass, also. Last week, of course, it was 75 degrees. Yay Michigan.

Part of my Action Plan for dealing with yesterday was starting up an account with Friendster. So in case you're one of the many to whom I hadn't mentioned it, go sign up, and do a search for me through my email address (which is my aim screenname @ hotmail).




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