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October 17, 2003 - 1:09 am

It's babysteps toward this whole "having a life again" thing. Last weekend I made the major step of "enjoying a Friday night out with my friends", and now I'm "taking a road trip to visit one of our dispersed Outrage brethren."

Madison, here I come!

So far, my shopping list consists of two items: cheese curds for Zeb and a plain red Mexican wrestler's mask for Jayce. Any more requests?

In other news: I need to make sweet love to the treadmill starting soon. I'm incredibly too lazy lately as far as physical exertion is concerned. Plus, my pants fit all stupid.

It makes me think of that American Music Club lyric, taken out of context, of course...You gave me all your clothes, but all your jeans were too tight.

Does American Music Club still put out records?


Another Squirrel Story: I was walking toward the LSA building (ew), when I saw two squirrels running out from under a bush. One was chasing other quite fiercely, and every few seconds he'd catch up and the other with make a horrid sound like he'd been bitten or something. As I approached said bush I saw another squirrel standing up on its hind legs, watching the mess with what I swear was a concerned look on its little squirrelly face. I stopped, put my hands on my hips and said "You're the cause of this, aren't you? Hussy."

Mark this down, boys and girls. I've reached a new low: Passing moral judgement on small, tree-climbing rodents.



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