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July 09, 2003 - 3:02 pm

Jameson called me a jackass and I said �Hey, buddy, not now. I had a Week.� I capitalized it so he�d know it was bad.

I said I needed to be niced, and without hesitation he proved that this friend/Friend of mine is a definite improvement from the man of the same name/DNA/etc that I dated two years ago.

It was exactly what I needed. PG13-type cuddling that lasted all night, unquestioning, non-needy affection, and a hug that wrapped around me like a warm blanket, even while I slept.

In other news...I'm the worst procrastinator ever. I've been keeping up on my very small load of homework like SHIT. Last night I was supposed to do some reading, but two pages in (at 10pm, cuz I suck) Mike called and invited me over. He promised to watch the Pianist with me, so I went. Yeah, it was soul-crushing, that film...I deserve it.



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