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October 24, 2003 - 11:32 am

I'm in the bestest of best moods right now.

It's Friday, and I have a pile of work in front of me that will keep me unchallenged but busy all day, keeping me from both frustration AND the guilt that comes with doing shit work to earn the mad cheddah.

Also, I bought my costume for the work halloween party. I R rock. And when I was shopping for it I went into the Disney store where they had christmas stuff out already and I got so geeked I almost burst into flames.

So I'm listening to old Madonna and singing along and even dancing a little, and I'm sure I'm amusing the people who are walking through the bay. Eh...fuck 'em.

My stomach is empty and I wanna fill it...soon, my child.

Tomorrow we're making candy, cuz we're nerds like that.



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