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February 25, 2004 - 5:47 pm

I could fill this update with a million and one reasons that I'm enjoying the shit out of my trip. However, I don't really feel like it. I will tell you that the weather here is horrible by LA standards, and incredible by my own. I will also take a moment to list the celebrities I have spotted/talked to in the last few days:

  • While driving down Sunset last night with the intention of visiting the Viper Room, we noticed a big todo in front and decided against it. Once we were closer we saw that the big todo involved cameras, Danny Devito and John Travolta. Get Shorty II, anyone?

  • Sunday night we took advantage of 2-for-1 margaritas and big piles of nachos, and-while waiting in line for bathroom time-met the guy who played the kid in Over the Top. True story.
  • Last but not least, we learned while chatting with our friendly local Vons employee that he had played a gay guy in the last American Pie movie. Okay, so he's not a celebrity yet, but we got a picture of him, just in case.

This has been a really nice vacation. Not only did I just need time to sit around and do nothing for a change, but my time here has been a wonderful mixture of touristy story-fodder and hanging with friends. Between crazy moon karaoke and pizza-eating fun, I really don't care if I happened to travel 2000 miles to experience the only 5 days of rain LA gets in a year.



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